Then: Directly Responsible Now: Direct Response

Then:  Directly Responsible


Now:   Direct Response


I have a vivid memory of standing in the hallway outside my homeroom, with a piece of gum on my nose.  Now, of course, I wasn’t in this predicament by choice, although I did have control over the actions which led to this punishment.


I talked too much.  And I was chewing gum.  Two activities, strictly forbidden in the classroom.  I would have preferred to just spit it out and write  “I will not chew gum in class” until I had filled up an entire notebook rather than stand on display for all the school to see.


But my teacher was a smart man and he knew this would stop my behavior.  Which it did.  Nothing is more embarrassing that standing with a wad of pink stuck on your nose while your crush walks past with all his friends.


My point here, is that back then teachers were allowed to enforce punishments in direct relation to the behavior.  They weren’t afraid of getting sued by their student’s parents and losing their job.  Today, forcing a student to stick gum on their nose could be construed as physical ( if not mental) abuse.


I was directly responsible and I paid the consequences.

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In today’s “quick paced – I want it now” world,  many people act without thinking.  Thus,  the huge direct response market.  How many of us have fallen for those late night ads which play on our senses?


At that moment, in the middle of the night, we must have that electronic chopping device  that all but cooks our meals for us.  Or that exercise contraption that helps us lose wait just by looking at it.


If we regret this decision in the morning, we can usually call our credit card company and have the sale reversed.


What happened to taking responsibility?


And I have another question.


What happened to that anti-aging gum I bought last night when I couldn’t fall asleep.   Shouldn’t it have arrived by now?




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One Response to Then: Directly Responsible Now: Direct Response

  1. Tina says:

    Anti-aging gum??? I suspect that’s one purchase you should be reversing! =) Although actually receiving the stuff might be a lesson it inself on responsibility…you know how “mistakes” are often the best teachers!

    Another fun blog, Janie.

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