THEN:  The Candy Bar


NOW:  The Candy Bite


I don’t have a  spooky Halloween story to tell or any scary video to share.    What I’m going to talk about is candy.   And to me the inflation involving the good old candy bar is scary.

I don’t really like candy all that much.  Oh, sure, I crave the occasional Snickers Bar or Peanut Butter Cup every now and then.   But then more than now.

And THEN it was really a candy bar!  At least five or six inches.  Something you could savor for a few minutes, at least.  That bar cost about fifteen cents.  Today, that candy is about an inch long, one bite, and costs approximately sixteen cents.   It’s called the Fun Size bar.   But what’s so fun about it?  You do the math.

We’re getting less.  Paying more.  That doesn’t sound like too much fun to me.

Perhaps dieters appreciate the smaller sized candies.  Just one little bite isn’t much.  But one bite often leads to two bites which leads to three and so on until you’ve devoured half the bag.  In my opinion the little sized candies are a detriment to someone watching their weight.

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No, I can’t change progress (if you can call it that) but I can preserve my memories of Halloween.  Those cold wintry “trick or treat” nights, walking with my neighbors, sucking on candy cigarettes (remember those?), excited to get home and go through my candy stash.

And at least that part hasn’t changed for the kids of today.   Oh, except for the cigarette part.

Happy Halloween!









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  1. Staci Weber says:

    Hi Janie-
    As a self- proclaimed candy horror, I have to disagree. Granted, your Halloween memories go back further than mine do, but the candy has always been small at Halloween. And everything, well almost, is cuter when miniaturized. I for one love the mini candy bars. It allows me to have a little taste of each delicious variety. I also appreciate the opportunity to delude myself into thinking I’ve just had a small taste, when in reality I may have eaten my weight in Junior mints via 3-piece boxes. But a woman who weighs 102 lbs. soaking wet shouldn’t be aloud to comment on the detriments of dieting! Happy Halloween 🙂

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