Then: Mouse House Now: Mouse Pad







A mouse used to be just the name of a small animal.  One you didn’t really want in your house, let alone sitting on your desk.  And you didn’t want to have to depend on one to get your work done.   I mean, really.   Can you imagine your grandparents eavesdropping in on this conversation?

You say:  Ugh, my mouse isn’t working.   (Grandpa thinks:  what kind of work did they expect it to do?)
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Your husband says:  Try jiggling it.  (Grandma thinks:  Oh, for heavens sake.  I don’t want to touch that thing.   Let along jiggle it!)

You ask:  Is it  connected?  (Grandma thinks:  Connected to what?  To the trap?  I don’t want it connected.  I just want it out of the house.)

Your husband says:  Try a different mouse pad.  The one with the kids’ faces on it.   (Grandpa thinks:  What?   Let the mouse live on my children!)

As you can see, words have evolved quite a lot since our grandparents’ day.  “Mouse” isn’t the only one to take on new meanings.

“Boot” used to refer to something you wore on your foot.    “Cookies” were something we ate.  “Text” was usually a book.

Everyday new words are added to our language.    And then some have disappeared forever.

Anyways, back to my mouse.  It does have a mind of its own.  It  freezes up on me.  I have to move it over a bit.  Jiggle it.  Raise it into the air.   Curse at it to get the cursor back.   It’s so darn frustrating that this small device has so much control over my sanity.

If only I could coax it to work better with a bit of cheese!


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6 Responses to Then: Mouse House Now: Mouse Pad

  1. LindaO says:

    Very cute post, Janie! It is amazing how meanings of things change so much thanks to modern technology. There are certainly a lot of Apples around these days that I wouldn’t want to eat.

  2. Jan says:

    And we would never have called someone on the phone 20 years ago and asked, “Where are you?”

  3. Roz Lee says:

    I’ve seen a lot of technology come and go. Reel to reel recording, eight track tapes, vinyl records, cassette tapes, and now CD’s are on their way out, along with the other kind of CD – the kind where we used to keep our extra money. Extra money…that’s one I’m sorry to see become a thing of the past.
    Remember when cell was a place you didn’t want to be. Now we ask, “Where’s my cell?” as often as we misplace the darn thing!

  4. janie says:

    Jan- It’s that the truth? That’s the first thing I ask my daughter when I call her.

  5. janie says:

    Roz – I misplace my cell phone almost everyday! And when you find that extra money, send some my way.

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