Then: Tweeting – Now: Twittering

Then: Tweeting

Now:  Twittering

When my daughter was little we moved across the country from Michigan to California and for several months we lived with my parents.  At that same time, a mama sparrow made a nest in a tiny alcove in the roof.  My daughter found it fascinating to watch this dedicated bird gather twigs and scraps of paper, building the perfect place to start her family.  Every day we watched her progress until it was time for her to sit on her eggs.  Shortly after that, the little babies were born and each morning we could hear them chirping and tweeting as their mama went in search of food.

It got crowded in that nest just about the same time it got crowded under my parents’ roof.  My husband and I knew it was time to find a place of our own.  My mom didn’t push us out (I don’t think that mother bird used that tactic either) but it was just time for it to happen.  The baby birds went twittering off into their own lives.

As did we, moving across town to our own apartment.
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My foray into Twitter last week reminded me of that time and of those baby birds who by now must have grandbaby birds of their own.

But my attempt at sending Tweets is a far cry from that of those little birds.  It doesn’t come instinctively or naturally at all.  With only 140 characters to state what I’m doing, I began to wonder –  what am I doing?  Is it something that other Tweeters or Twitterers will want to follow?  Why do I want to spend the time broadcasting my every move?

To me all these Tweets filling up cyberspace are like flocks of birds flying in all directions at once.  Inevitably they are bound to get mixed up.  Much like that old game of Telephone.

My status could say :  Am wondering why all the light bulbs burn out at the same time.  Days later here comes a response: Sorry you are burnt out but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

If we want we can be bombarded by Tweets and Twits and whatevers all day long on our cell phones.  Second by second status updates.  Tweeters are eating, sleeping, drinking, dancing, dressing, kissing, dreaming, knitting, walking, talking, crying, doing, being.  I know this is the information age, but how much information can one baby boomer brain take?

In my case – not  much.

So for now, this will be my status:  Janie is listening to the birds tweet outside her bedroom window and enjoying the melodies of Mother Nature.

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2 Responses to Then: Tweeting – Now: Twittering

  1. Tina F says:

    I just started tweeting and its appeal still has not sunk in with me!

  2. LindaO says:

    So far I’m avoiding Twitter, even though I did join Facebook and really like it. That and blogging may be the extent of my social networking for a while, at least. I do love listening to tweeting birds, too, though.

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