Then .32 Cents Now: $3.79

Then:  .32 Cents

Now :   $3.79

Of course I’m talking about the cost of gas.

Back in my high school days,  we would each contribute fifty cents or maybe even a dollar toward gas.  If there were five of us, that equaled five dollars and that filled up the gas tank of even the largest car on the road.

Talk about filling the tank.  We didn’t have to do it ourselves.  Those cute guys would come up to the window and ask what we wanted.  Fill ‘er up?  Yes, please, I would mumble, trying to keep my composure.  How cute is he? I’d whisper to my friend sitting shotgun.  Check under the hood?  You need oil?  He’d wink, and I’d swear he wanted to check under more than the hood of my car.
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We would pay with cash and drive off with clean windows and sometimes a new crush.

Where did we go with that full tank?  Cruising, off course.  Up and down Van Nuys Blvd.   I’m sure you all had a cruising street.  Maybe yours was Main St, or Orchard Blvd.   But cruising on a weekend night was the thing to do.

We’d listen to the radio and talk to each other!  Imagine that.  We weren’t all on different cell phones texting other friends for party locations.   Being inside the car was our party.  We’d talk to guys as we cruised up and down the street.  Sometimes, we’d stop for cherry cokes and French fries.  We’d pull into the parking lot of Bob’s Big Boy (interchangeable with whatever diner was your weekend night spot) and talk and flirt.  Then get back in the car and do it all over again.

Today, that hard earned five dollars won’t even buy two gallons of gas.   Not much affordability for cruising.   I feel sad for today’s teenagers because cruising was such a large part of our culture.   But with gas such a large part of our budget, it’s become impossible to drive around just for fun.   Sometimes, it’s almost impossible just to get to work and back.

Not that teens today don’t have new activities.  Things we never dreamed of – such as Twitter and Facebook.  They keep up with each other’s lives, as their lives unfold, and can have friends from all over the world.

But there was nothing like getting in the car on a warm summer evening, having no particular destination, free from our parents for a few hours (seeing as how there were no cell phones for them to check up on us) and enough gas to cruise until our curfew.

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10 Responses to Then .32 Cents Now: $3.79

  1. Tina F says:

    I remember in high school when gas was 50 cents a gallon. One time I stopped by and put in 50 cents worth and the attendant (because we had them back then) said, “I hope you’re going straight home.” That has always stayed with me because what good what the car do back home on empty?

  2. LindaO says:

    I remember feeling upset when gas first went above $2 a gallon. Now, I wish it were still around that price!

  3. Jan says:

    here in Oregon the jockeys still pump our gas, it is the law. I pull into a gas station in another state and sit there in my car, waiting for some guy who never comes.
    I do well remember those days. I wonder what the youngsters of today will be nostalgic about. How dexterous they were with their thumbs?

  4. janie says:

    Jan – You’re probably right. They will have very flexible thumbs! Thanks for stopping by. I’m going to add your blog to my links.

  5. Sunny says:

    I confess, I’m not a boomer (by a long shot), but I remember too. Wonderful memories, wonderful writing.

  6. Terry T says:

    Your stories really capture the 60’s.
    I love it! We used to put a quarter in the tank! Of course we were embarressed but we did it anyway, cause we wanted to cruise. It sure was fun times.

  7. diane says:

    What great memories. Now I think that there is a ban on cruising the Blvd but, if we could do that today we wouldn’t get very far due to all the Fn traffic. Those were the days my friend I thought they’d never end. Today I’ll have to find another way to meet a cute guy in a cool car. Any suggestions? Janie keep the good times rolling.

  8. janie says:

    Sunny – Thanks so much for your compliments. I’ve been thinking about what you said and may soon take the plunge.

  9. janie says:

    Terry – Wasn’t it? I’m glad we can share these memories.

  10. janie says:

    Diane – Are you actually looking for a cute guy?

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