About Janie


Janie the baby boomer

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One Response to Janie

  1. How come I think like I’m 30 but my body doth protest! I love your blog. But please don’t emulate the commercial media and refer to someone who is almost 71 as elderly. 🙁

    Took Mom to Hawaii earlier this month for Chinese New Year for four days. We hung out a lot with various members of the three-generation Lee clan and indulged in the Chinese/Hawaiian national sport. EATING!

    I have an iphone4 now. TG I know a few kids under the age of 12 to help me use it. lol It is part of the most revolutionary technology ever — the ICT revolution. Now I want an iphoneX with satellite connectivity. I’m sure we will see it in a few years.

    You should create a corner on the blog for us old folks.



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